The Star Spangled
Banner - Fancis Scott Key had help with the Star Spangled Banner
The Mayflower - The real
reason they stopped in Massachusettes.
Women in the Civil War -
The adventures of one particular woman and her role in the American Civil War.
The Gettysburg Address -
It wasn't very popular at the time even by Abraham Lincoln himself.
The First Submarine - Well,
the first to sink an enemy ship anyway.
New York Dixie - How the song
Dixie came about. You might be surprised.
Interesting Civil War
Facts - Things you probabably didn't know about the American Civil War.
Our Founding Fathers -
Interesting facts about some of the founding fathers who never became President of the United States.
The War of 1812 - How the
lack of communication at the time affected the War of 1812.
Sherrod Bryant - What made
Sherrod Bryant different than most of the other slave owners at the time.
Unsolved Mysteries of American History: An Eye-Opening Journey through 500 Years of
Discoveries, Disappearances, and Baffling Events
The Politically Incorrect Guide to American
American History Stories You Never Read in School but Should Have
Stupid American History: Tales of Stupidity, Strangeness, and
Don't Know Much About American History